2013 / 2014
Leo Crespo, Andrea Elizabeth Fernández, Aidan Logan Victor Matelica, Jazmín García Sathicq
Fernanda Guaglianone, Diego Stickar, Carmen Serrano, Gabriel Maldonado
Jazmín García Sathicq
Aidan Logan Victor Matelica, Andrea Elizabeth Fernández, Alejandro Labaronne, Matias Borrás -Mortimer Candy, Leo Crespo
Music, voice:
Mortimer Candy
Oxigeno Caliente: Letra y música Matias Borrás
Valdeslust: Vals tradicional alemán
Acompañamiento: Alejandro Labaronne
Scenography, costumes and makeup:
Gabriel Maldonado
Gabriel Maldonado, Jazmín García Sathicq
Video and multimedia:
Diego Stickar
Assistant team:
Rodrigo Lamonega y Estefania Santiago
Ailén Herradón
Graphic design
Fernanda Guaglianone
Kika Villalón Caselas (Barcelona)
Co-production with the TAE, School of Arts and Crafts of the Argentine Theater of La Plata.
About the work:
Co- production TAE (Escuela de Artes y Oficios del Teatro Argentino), Consejo Provincial de Teatro Independiente y RED TRANSPORTATE.
A theatrical work based on life stories, needs, problems and experiences of people with trans identities, represented by themselves (social actors).
Through performative situations, the different identity developments, self-perceptions, the right to one’s own body, the shift of the man-not-man, woman-not-woman binomial, transphobia as a social disease, the struggle for depathologization in the list of pathologies from the World Health Organization, militancy for equal rights, transformation processes, anecdotes, memories, life and death.
The action transformed into performance takes place in an unconventional space, without chairs, with scenery and objects but without delimitation of the stage space and the space of the performer.
The space and its spatial arrangement is made up of performative situations created in various spaces, generating a moving path.
Press releases:
En El Vodevil charlaron con Jazmín García Sathicq -actriz, directora y profesora de teatro- sobre el regreso a las tablas de “Transportate”, un “briograma sobre identidades trans”, que vuelve en el mes de agosto y ya tiene invitaciones para presentarse en Brasil