Credits / Staff:
Dramaturgy and direction:
Jazmín García Sathicq
Tartamuda – María Pía Lázaro
Chicx invisible – Mario Coutoune
Ciego – Ramón Woites
Set and costume design and production:
Liliana Caceres
Jazmín García Sathicq
Sound space:
Vladimir Zegarra Toledo y Jazmín García Sathicq
Direction assistance:
Maxi Saad
Puesta en Escena y Dirección:
Jazmín García Sathicq
Teatro Dynamo y Cía. García Sathicq
With the support of the National Theater Institute for the 2021 group activity.
About the work:
“In The arrogance of the stone, García Sathicq starts from a symbolist scenic matrix (the theater as a symbol, metaphysical enunciation of the universe) from an “abstract space” whose representations are mutating, to give voice to the displaced and excluded, the poor, the silenced, the invisible, the “ghosts”, “the nobody”, the “orphans” expelled from the city, the “thrown into nothingness”, those who are the “mud” that covered the cement. Dystopian drama of reaction against the Neoliberalism and its consequences, construction of an image of civilization that is absolutely unsatisfactory, thus combines, in a very personal way, symbolism and the social perspective, the poetic and the political, against/against exclusion. Poetry and social denunciation, twinned by an ethic of alterity (E. Lévinas) and the revelation of Rodolfo Kusch’s “Deep America”. García Sathicq seeks other contemporary poetic combinatorials to preserve the capacity of social interpellation of theater, at the same time polyrical, sensitive, emotional and reflective.”
Jorge Dubatti, 2021.